The Conservative Democratic Unionist Party of the Dominion of New Zealand

My favourite monarchists want to set up a new party – the Conservative Democratic Unionist Party of the Dominion of New Zealand.

We haven’t actually been a Dominion since 1953, which is around the decade they want us to return to. Dominions generally ceded control of foreign policy and the military to the UK.

Anyway some of their fun policies:

* restore sedition to be very tough; life or death penalties. (no more couch burnings in Dunedin!)
* M.Ps should be limited to only two 3 year terms (Darren Hughes may get to become PM!)
* restoration of the death penalty for those who possess illegal drugs (party pills really will cause death)
* No military alliance with the U.S. – N.Z. to support British Commonwealth only (US not forgien for treason to King George III)
* New Zealand should support British Commonwealth membership for Ireland (oh yes just what every Irishman wants)

I hope they do set up their party – will liven up meet the candidate meetings.