Field on Peters

Taito Phillip Field explains why he voted to censure Peters in the Herald.

Mr Peters has claimed the privileges committee was biased and hit out at the Maori Party for betraying him and at Mr Field, saying theMangere MP “did not understand loyalty”.

This is loyalty, as practised in Siciliy I suspect?

Mr Field acknowledged Mr Peters had supported him. “I have a lot of time for Winston and I am supportive of him. I’ve always considered Winston a friend, but I had to make an honest decision which had respect for the privileges committee process.”

Winston thinks it is all about him, but for many MPs it was about recognising the fact the Privileges Committee heard all the evidence, and reached fair conclusions.

In the same report:

Meanwhile a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority about a Tui billboard saying: “When Winston says no, he means no. Yeah right.” has failed.

The complainant, N. Keesing, said it was “defamatory and racially discriminating towards Winston Peters”.

The authority ruled that it would be seen in a humorous light and did not meet the “threshold to effect a breach of the code of ethics”.

How is the Tui billboard racially discriminating??

It may however be an election advertisement. I have asked the Electoral Commission to rule on whether or not it is.

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