Highest ever poll rating for any party
TV3 poll just out:
- National 60%
- Labour 27%
- Greens 7%
TV3 have never ever had a party so high before – it is unprecedented in recent decades. And remember this is the poll Labour claims is the most accurate. Now of course there is a honeymoon period, but this is like having a honeymoon with Angelia Jolie instead of Rosie O’Donnell.
A Parliament on this poll would have the Government with 80 seats and the Opposition with just 43.
Phil Goff refused to be interviewed for TV3 about the poll – something no other leader has done in the past decade. But here’s why – Preferred PM:
- John Key 52%
- Helen Clark 14%
- Phil Goff 4%
Key is obviously having a honeymoon also, but it is a stronger honeymoon than any other Prime Minister has ever had. 64% rate his performance as strong and only 4% as weak! Considering the deep economic crisis we are in, that is astonishing.
His personal attributes have also shot up – 85% now rate Key as a capable leader.
Now a week is a long time in politics, and the next election is 33 months away. Goff is under no threat for now. But if he doesn’t make some traction towards the end of the year, he may find the summer of 2010 is BBQ at Dave’s place š