Love has no bounds

Saunders Unsworth had their annual party on Tuesday night, and as always it was very well attended. I think there were 70 or so MPs there at some stage, and the many friends and clients of SUL.

Now when at the party, I heard a story that was so good, Tom Scott would have included it in his movie Separation City, if it had happened a year ago.

It seems a couple of weeks ago a girl met a boy, as is often the case in Wellington. Over the next few days they texted, and chatted to each other until they had their big night out. And it was a good night out.

Eventually they ended up back at her place. Except it isn’t really her place. She lives with Daddy who was asleep upstairs. Not wanting to disturb Daddy, they stayed downstairs and utilised the kitchen table in a way Gordon Ramsay would surely disapprove of.

Now if Daddy had woken up and walked downstairs, he would have got a shock. Not just because his daughter had company, but because of who the company was. You see he was a senior National Party Ministerial staffer. And Daddy? Well he is a senior Labour Party MP.

While true love has no bounds, we are unsure if the staffer’s Minister or the beloved’s father would take such a generous view of them becoming the Kiwi versions of James Carville and Mary Matlin.

We are not sure if the young lady was aware of her friend’s employment when they met, but it seems that she came up with a novel way to even things up. As their first liasion took place under Daddy’s sleepful wake, the next one had to take place in the Beehive, close to where the good Minister worked.

I just hope they avoided the security cameras!