Well done NBR

NBR have announced:

The National Business Review unreservedly apologises for the confusion surrounding our 40th birthday competition. It was never our intention to cause confusion about the voting for the Win Your Weight in Veuve promotion but people have expressed frustration and we have listened to their concerns.

The official winner (as chosen by the judges from the top 10 voted entries) will be announced, on schedule, in NBR print tomorrow.

In addition, the publisher will personally provide Busted Blonde’s weight in Veuve Clicquot to her to demonstrate that NBR will not allow its integrity, transparency or honesty in its dealings with its readers to be compromised in any way. She received the most online votes in the competition and NBR happily salutes that success.

As a responsible host, the publisher would, however, appeal to Busted Blonde to urge her guests to wear life jackets if celebrating their win on Wellington Harbour.

Let the festivities begin.

I’m so pleased that NBR have done this. As I blogged – it was not about the prize, but about integrity and transparency. This is important for any media outlet, but especially NBR which provides a unique role with its pro-business focus. Their decision reinforces that this is important to them – which I salute.

I understand that Busted Blonde will use the winnings for an event which will raise money for a worthy charity, so the outcome is a real win-win.

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