Is Zetetic Trevor?

Whale Oil blogs:

Just about all the Stan­dard posts that Mal­lard has pro­moted on Red Alert have been from Zetetic. And a com­par­i­son of Mallard’s post­ing style and Zetetic shows very close cor­re­la­tion. Espe­cially when they post from an iPad with all the give­aways that post­ing from that plat­form reveals.

When you do a Google search of “Trevor Mal­lard + Zetetic you find that Zetetic has an almost unhealthy obses­sion with every utter­ance of Trevor Mal­lard in the house. Som many posts about how great Trevor Mal­lard is, so many that the only con­clu­sion you can come to is that Mal­lard is Zetetic or some­one on his staff is. Either way they are one and the same.

I’m sure Trevor is far too ethical to blog something in one identity, and then praise it with another, and then tweet about how great it is.

This is such a horrendous slur on Trevor, that I am sure Zetetic will reveal his or her identity, in order to defend Trevor’s otherwise sterling reputation for ethical behaviour.

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