Jew hater detained

Stuff reports:

A blogger previously jailed in Australia over a racial attack has tried to enter New Zealand and wound up in custody.

Brendon O’Connell, 46, is an outspoken critic of Israel and what he describes as “Zionist power.”

Now the Australian man is in New Zealand, where it’s understood he fled for political asylum but ended up under arrest. 

Immigration NZ confirmed that O’Connell had been detained at the border. …

“This individual had his entry permission to New Zealand revoked on character grounds and is now in custody,” a spokesperson said.

It’s not yet clear where he’s being held. The Corrections Department has declined to comment.

O’Connell is a proponent of conspiracy theories related to a Jewish elite. In a recent video on his website, he blamed this month’s Las Vegas shooting on an “Israeli kill squad.”

Why detain him? Why not just deport him immediately?

Anyway if you want to be amused, read what his mates are saying:

Australian man Brendon O’Connell who blew the lid off Operation Talpiot and exposed the Jewish State’s “kill switches” in most major Western infrastructure, has been held in a NZ jail since October 11th.

Apparently nobody has heard from him since.

When did the NZ authorities start detaining so called ‘refugees’ (in fact just Australians) at the border and holding them without trial or even giving them the chance to issue a statement or speak to anyone, for up to 20 days?

Well – ever since our Government was taken over by Zionist Jewish terrorists and associated infiltrators of course. Something we have certainly well covered. Just think meth trafficking, record child abuse, housing crisis and on and on – there are no rules anymore under the New Jew World Order of global corporate government.

It is a boot stamping on a human face for eternity – welcome to the future.

The Jews will have their agents right throughout the prison system here in NZ, so let’s hope they are not torturing the poor man. Or something worse, like trying to replace him.

The Jewish torture squad! They have such vivid imaginations.

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