Another example of why Labour should not make bail easier

The Herald reports:

A man who raped a 13-year-old girl in the back of his car after offering her a lift home was on bail for sexual offending at the time.

Satyam Chetty appeared at the Auckland High Court from prison this morning and was jailed for a total of 10 years for the two offences.

He had pleaded guilty at a hearing earlier this year to raping the girl.

In April 2016, Chetty, who was 41 at the time, offered a 13-year-old a lift home after seeing her on the side of the road near a mall in Manukau, the court heard.

He then drove her to a nearby park, climbed into the back seat with her and raped her.


Justice Geoffrey Venning told the court the girl tried to make him stop but could not get out of the car or fend him off.

Chetty then drove the girl back to the mall, where she called police.

At the time Chetty had been on bail for similar offending.

In 2014 he had offered a lift home to two women he met while drinking in Auckland’s city centre, before leaving one at a petrol station on the North Shore and sexually violating the other in his car at a nearby supermarket carpark while she was unconscious.

There is already too much offending done by people on bail. Labour’s desire to relax the bail laws will mean even more cases like this.

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