Alison Mau on Rachel McGregor

Ali Mau writes:

When the news leaked that Colin Craig had filed a defamation suit against Rachel MacGregor in the High Court, without telling anyone (including Ms MacGregor) I’ll admit I felt a lot of things – including cold anger. That anger drove me to sit down immediately and bash out my thoughts.

I didn’t know Rachel very well then, but the gobsmacking injustice of Craig suing her was crystal clear. The steep imbalance of power and wealth between the two was clear. Craig had the money to keep going with court case after court case in defence of what was left of his reputation. Rachel had a life in tatters, and no money to fight with.

Like Ali, this lawsuit makes me angry. Rachel has suffered more than enough.

The effect of being repeatedly dragged into court has been immense; it has affected her physical and mental health, she was diagnosed with PTSD, for a long time she was unable to work, she became reliant on a sickness benefit.

All because she complained about sexual harassment.

When I wrote that first column back in 2017, many New Zealanders called me and wrote to me to offer their help. I hope they’re ready to dig deep for MacGregor – I feel justice may depend on it.

* This Givealittle page has been set up to help Rachel MacGregor pay her legal fees.

I urge people to donate.

Also worth reading this interview with Rachel.

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