Vance on the chaos back home

Andrea Vance writes:

But there was plenty of chaos going on back home – most of it right in the heart of Ardern’s own Government.

Revelations about Meka Whaitiri’s bruising set-to with her press secretary were by far the most serious. Allegations that enraged by a missed photo call she injured the woman are serious enough for a party whose founding values are standing up for the worker.

But, add to that the unconditional and blind support of employment minister Willie Jackson – without even a cursory examination of the facts.

Yep a Minister left a press secretary bruised because of a missed photo op, and Labour MPs say they support the Minister unconditionally.

Then came geek entrepreneur Derek Handley, chaperoned by arch-Tory Michelle Boag. He first embarrassed the Government by overtaking their process of releasing communications about the chief technology job he won, and then lost.

Further documents revealed the fingerprints of Labour party president Nigel Haworth and former apparatchik GJ Thompson. Ardern was more heavily involved in the process than previously let on. 

While in the House distancing herself.

The Wally Haumaha appointment scandal continued to dog the Government. The links between NZ First and the former cop and one-time candidate should preclude any of its MPs from being involved in the investigation into his promotion.

And there is probably more to come out on this phone call that Peters denies ever occurred.

The Greens didn’t cover themselves in glory either. In a week that held a low bar for political principles, the sight of the Greens shamefaced voting for Winston Peter’s waka-jumping bill was pretty dispiriting. 

Labour abandons it principles of supporting abused workers. Greens abandon their principles of allowing MPs to dissent. And NZ First stay true to their principles of putting Winston first.

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