WCC now deciding which industries are worthy of housing

Business Desk reports:

A public-private sector partnership to deliver affordable housing in Wellington has extended its eligibility criteria. ….

Until recently, housing developed through the programme has been limited to public-sector workers with individual incomes below $95,000 (or under $150,000 for a household).

Last Thursday, the environment and infrastructure committee voted to extend the criteria to align with job creation industries identified in an economic wellbeing strategy. 

This included the hospitality and tourism industries.

I’d blogged previously on this crazy scheme where a policy analyst on $90,000 would qualify for this cheap housing, and a hairdresser on $55,000 would not.

Now it is good that they have extended the eligibility from solely the public sector, but they are still trying to pick winners like the USSR did. Why do they think a barman should qualify but not a hairdresser?

Why do they just having simple criteria based purely on income, not on whether or not they think you are in a deserving industry or not?

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