Stabbed 23 times for a cigarette

Meet K-Cyn Jack Parezz Nathan.

  • Meth user who would constantly ask neighbours for food or cigarettes
  • A neighbour once refused and a few days later Nathan stabbed him in his stomach with a 15cm knife, causing a wound two to three centimetres wide and five to six centimetres deep.
  • Two days later he visited his other neighbour and when she refused a cigarette, he stabbed her 13 times to the head and neck area, and 10 times in the chest and limbs before kicking her in her throat and stomping on her face.
  • As he stomped on her face he said “You’re dead bitch”
  • He was on bail at the time of the offending
  • He later told a friend “I just popped a bitch”
  • He has showed no remorse

He was sentenced to just nine years jail, with a non-parole period of four and a half years. Due to Three Strikes being repealed, any future offending will get just as lenient sentences.

Some questions:

  • What was the offence he was on bail for?
  • Why did Police not arrest him after the first stabbing?
  • Does anyone think he won’t commit more violence in future?

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