“I am the prevention violence Minister, and I know who causes violence in the world, and it’s white cis men”
This is what Marama Davidson said yesterday.
There are two issues here. The first is that she is wrong. In New Zealand here is the data for violent offending for 2022:
- Gender: 79% male, 21% female
- Ethnicity: 51% Maori, 29% European, 11% Pacific, 2% Indian, 1% Asian
If she is talking about the entire world, then we also have some data. Different countries define violent crime differently but the definition of homicide and rape is similar so allows comparison.
The top five countries for homicide:
The top five countries for rape are:
So it is very clear the Minister is wrong. But that is not the biggest issue. It is her trying to stir up racial hatred.
Imagine if a different Minister or violent prevention said “I am the prevention violence Minister, and I know who causes violence in the world, and it’s coloured cis men”
Would you not expect them to be out of office within minutes or hours if they had said that?
Davidson clearly has views and animosity that are impervious to the facts. Will Hipkins retain her as a Minister?