Having fun with Labour

Chris Bishop had a great time in the general debate with Carmel Sepuloni doing Celebrity Treasure Island. Some extracts:

Now, I’ve also discovered that in this most recent season of Treasure Island, they did a special thing, the first time in the game’s history. This is real. They introduced a thing on this this year’s season called “The Captain’s Coup”, in which the day’s winning team gets to pick a member from the losing team to go up against their captain. Now, I can see why Carmel jumped at the chance. What better form of professional development could there be for a senior Labour Party MP than spending weeks deserted on an island while everyone around you is trying to bring you down and participate in a captain’s coup.

Kieran McAnulty’s been there biding his time slowly and quietly, which is why he’s asked only two oral questions in the last six months. Now, Michael Wood would have been there, ready and waiting, but the captain, the current captain, Chris Hipkins, got there first, eliminating him from the island. What a savvy thing to do, because we shouldn’t rule out a come-back for Mr Michael Wood. He’s been elected to the illustrious body of the Labour Party policy council. Chris Hipkins, the policy council has spoken. Extinguish your torch and leave the island.

Hilarious – Carmel takes part in a show which has a coup as part of it.

And then we’ve got the “Hapless Hipkins” faction. That’s sort of the other people left right out, who are backing the current leader of the Labour Party. And then, of course, we’ve got the people who are considering walking the plank. They’re just considering leaving. They’re considering abandoning ship. Megan Woods, off to be the next Mayor of Christchurch, I’m told. Adrian Rurawhe, he’s considering it. Greg O’Connor and Jenny Salesa—people who are considering abandoning the good ship Labour.

Of course, there’s one thing we can all agree on and that all of the Labour Party agrees: when the tribal council meets, also known as the caucus meeting, there’s one person who’s never invited, and that’s Ginny Andersen.

Ouch. Harsh but true.

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