They’re not your trees

Radio NZ report:

The Ministry of Education notified residents that crews at Wellington Girls’ College would begin tree removal with just over a weeks notice.

One local – who did not want to be named – said the letter arrived too late to allow any chance for consultation and gave little indication of the extent of the work.

“They’re lovely old trees. [The principal] explained that they weren’t obliged to consult because it’s on their property but taking six to eight trees down on a short piece of street – where we’re all part of the same community – just doesn’t feel quite right to me and once they’re down they’re down you can’t replace them.”

Trees on public land are public property and get consulted on. Trees on private property belong to the tree owner and they decide what to do with them (so long as not a protected tree). If the locals would like more trees, they should plant some on their properties.

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