Why did the chicken cross the road?

Blair has done a NZ blogger version of the traditional jokes. It’s really really well done – capturing most people perfectly. Highlights are:

Aaron Bhatnagar:
The chicken was forced over to the far side of the road by the Council’s neglect of basic infrastructure in maintaining the near side footpath. No road crossing would have be necessary under an ACRN-led council.

Not PC:
Because the government tried to stop her.

Sir Humphrey’s:
The chicken had no alternative. We have documents showing that Helen Clark deliberately and secretly manipulated the chicken’s egg-laying statistics to cover up her inefficient management of this particular poultry farm, thus defaming the innocent chicken and forcing its departure.

Just Left/Jordan Carter:
Given the number of diffuculties experienced by the chicken recently, it is amazing that it performed as well as it did in getting from one side to the other. Overall a pleasing result for the chicken.

The chicken crossed the road as an act of defiance against the state in order to claim its rightful territory. Ake ake ake!

And of course my one:

David Farrar:
There was a conference across the road and it was necessary for the chicken to attend. The exotic hens present had nothing to do with it.

Very well done Blair.