Polling Newsletter

Curia Research, my polling company, has just published the first of what will be regular monthly newsletters on public opinion polls.

Every month the newsletter will present a summary of political polls in New Zealand, Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada, and provide an analysis of them. It will also cover current NZ polls on policy and business issues.

The newsletter is free, but in future will be distributed by e-mail only. I am putting the initial edition up on my blog to let people know it exists. If you would like to receive future editions, please e-mail newsletter@curia.co.nz with your name, e-mail address and if applicable your organisation.

The full newsletter (six pages) is available here as a pdf. And below is an extract summarising the public polls since the election.


National and Labour have remained within a few points of each other since the election which is represented as September 2005.


The Green Party has polled consistently over the 5% threshold. NZ First had a steady progressive decline in 2005 to just over 3%, but in 2006 have stabilized. United Future also declined in 2005.