Power Cut

In a long long saga the third power cord for my HP laptop has just died. The last two have some sort of design defect that they fray away. At present I sometimes can get some power, but it literally sparks and crackles when I do, as the wiring is exposed.

I asked for a replacement cord a few days ago, knowing I would need a new one by today as I am up on Waiheke Island for five days. But the supply company sent it by amistake to the retail store in Dunedin I originally got it from – instead of direct to me.

And then the Dunedin store couriered it to me, but it didn’t get to me in time, so they are trying to get it redirected to me on Waiheke.

If things go well, I will have power to the laptop again by Friday afternoon. If they do not go well, I might not have it working until Monday.

This means little or no blogging until it is fixed. So don’t expect much content on Thursday especially, if any.

UPDATE: In a minor miracle there is somehow enough of a connection left that power still flows through. It is having the interestign side effect of freezing the touch pad, but is workable. So for next two days will treat power cord like a fragile vase and move it about as little as possible,and it may just survive until its replacement.