The bureaucratic nightmare to get a RAT test

Stuff reports:

He said the Government had 7.3 million RATs in the country, but would have 22.5 million by the end of the month. Next week, he said 9.2 million would arrive.

But access to those tests remained heavily restricted, with only specified “critical services” in food supply, emergency services and lifeline utilities able to access them.

To access those tests, companies had to undergo a qualification process – which the National Party hit out at as “overly bureaucratic”.

Only certain, pre-approved businesses would qualify to be able to use RATs – and only under certain circumstances.

In many countries RAT tests can be purchased at the supermarket. The NZ Government has been so incompetent that it didn’t order any in time, so first it stole the stocks private organizations had ordered and now it has set up a rationing system that is bureaucracy gone mad.

Here is what you have to do if you are an employer with an employee that you wish to have take a RAT.

  1. Try to register with MBIE as a critical business or organisation. For some insane reasons schools don’t even qualify.
  2. The employee who needs a RAT test has to go out into the community and find a RAT collection point (they only have two or three for all of Auckland).
  3. They need to have proof the employer is a critical business
  4. They need proof they work for that employer
  5. They need proof of identity
  6. They need proof they were a close contact

If they can manage all that, then the Government will give them a RAT test. Yay.

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