In 2025: Starting any learning/course and guaranteeing success.

There is a proven best method to learn in any course. This does not just apply to childre and young people. One of my life dreams – and I am close to launching it – is a high quality academy for adults. We have learning pathways for young people – but if anyone from 25 – 60+ wants to become good in academics, sports or the arts – the only limit is their commitment, the expertise they access, and the time they can put in. The opportunity is HUGE.

I have had hundreds of people express their regret about giving up music – etc – too early. All neuroscience says they are wrong … they can get on with it now.

For children going to school … it depends much more on the approach of the student – than the teacher (although a good teacher helps!).

This is a fool-proof method (assuming committment and effort). I applied it for a year to learn the drums from Hamish Gee (of The Feelers) for 1 year and the results were astounding. One friend said – when she heard me play – in another room – “that cannot be Alwyn – he does not have a musical bone in his bod”.

Here is a day-to-day to I have always toaught my students:

1. Be well organized for every learning day. Sleep well. Eat breakfast. Have all books and equipment you need for school. Dress well. Start the day with a great attitude. Hug your parents/husband/wife on the way out the door.

2. Look forward to classes. Be positive towards all subjects and all teachers – even when others are complaining. When others are negative – that is a great opportunity. Be the counter-culture. Love the teacher that everyone else thinks is horrible and useless.

3. Pay MASSIVE attention in every class. Make good notes. When you don’t understand – ask questions. This could be during or after class. Understanding in class is so important. FOCUS is everything! Much better to write than to record on your phone.

4. Take all of your subject books home each night and;

– with pencil in hand – review the lesson for the day in each subject. For Math – practice the hardest problems until the lights go on and you go – “uh ha!”

– each night – for one of your subjects – write summary/study notes for the past week.

– then do your set homework.

If you do this process every-day then what you are learning will be in your long term memory and when you get towards exams/assessments you will know things very well already. You will be able to do practice exams/assessments and perfect things. You may not think you are a genius but genius is about effort! You can do it. When exams come up create a great study time-table and stick to it. DO NOT waste study leave.

5. Always aim for excellence/100%! If you aim for the stars and land on the moon it is a great achievement. Aim to master every concept in every subject – from Math and English to all of your options.

As the great Mark Twain said: “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Follow your heart and not trends but work to be the very best that you can be in your chosen field – and be a good human being with a faith and deep compassion for fellow humans.

This is the best time ever to grow up and live – make the most of it.

Alwyn Poole
[email protected]
Innovative Education Consultants Ltd
Education 710+ Ltd

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