Today’s Brash round-up

The Herald on Sunday has a Digipoll which shows Brash has actually gone up in the Preferred PM ratings.

The HoS has an interview with Diane Foreman and Megan Williams (whose name has been flying about also this week). Williams confirms when both her and Brash were single, they went out.

Kerre Woodham comments from her self-described former “hard-drinking, self-obsessed slapper” role to say she won’t be condemning the actions of any man. Or woman.

Matt McCarten writes that he believes Brash won’t survive, but that this will be bad news for Clark.

Irene Chapple in the SST writes that if there is a change, it will be unchallenged to John Key, but that it won’t happen prematurely.

Matthew Hooton writes in the SST that in facing the difficult decision of how to deal with Brash’s alleged infidelity, National must be sure not to create any media diversion from Labour’s almost pathological inability to obey the law or tell the truth.

Hooton also points out that Mallard may be a casualty of this, in that the public would now never accept him as Finance Minister. This could well be true, but may be a bit unfair to Trevor as there is little doubt he was acting under orders or permission from Helen.