Because stupidity deserves a wider audience

Normally when people allege awful deeds against me in the comments, I respond to them there. But a couple of them this week have just been so stupid that they really deserve front page attention.

First we have Toms in the cartoon debate:

I wonder, could you speculate that DPF has been our own little Fox-lite since he got his orders at the training session run by the Moslem murderers at the freedom ranch? I mean, using the “anti-semite” as a tool to squash debate is a very neo-con thing to do.

So is it just a coincidence? Just speculating you know, and I am not saying DPF consorts with people who murder Moslems.

Its amazing what you can get away with when you are just thinking out loud.

Yes I am obviously under orders from the “Moslem murderers” at the freedom ranch. Well done Toms – you Einstein you.

Then we have Hayman in a debate over Matthew Hooton’s column:

As for silly threats seems like you are passing IP adresses to Hooten so that those that crticise this toady can be victimised. Laughable

Oh again such a towering intellect has worked it all out. Next he’ll be exposing the moon landings were faked.

I did last week mention that I had once passed on an IP address to a journalist regarding a comment made about that journalist. The brilliant Hayman deduces I must be referring to a political comment and it must be about Hooton.

Never mind that it was a female journalist, and the comment was highly personal (and defamatory), and not at all political.

Let’s not let facts get in the way. Just make up a fact and accuse me of it.

I should run a competition for stupidest comment of the week. But there would be too many entries to get through.

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