Your “allowed” fling

Martha has started the ball rolling on this, blogging how early in her relationship, she and hubby both had an agreement that if they met the person of their dreams, they could pash them. Martha’s probably was Brad Pitt and hubby was Uma Thurman.

Now I played this game last year when over in Port Douglas with a friend. However we allowed each other a list of five, just as Ross had on a Friends episode about this concept.

Now I can’t recall my exact list from then, but it was probably similiar to:

(a) Reese Witherspoon
(b) Kirsten Dunst
(c) Sarah Michelle Gellar
(d) Drew Barrymore
(e) Kate Hudson

Once upon a time Katie Holmes would have been on the list, but then she married the nutty guy. Jessica Simpson after her Dukes of Hazzard appearance also, but I suspect she may end up like Britney one day – crazy and bald.

I can’t recall my friend’s top five except James Marsters (Spike) was definitely on it.

Feel free to post your own lists, especially if you have actually had them agreed to by your partner.

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