Nash says Greens MOU hurting Labour

NewstalkZB reports:

Labour MP Stuart Nash has admitted the party’s agreement with the Greens is hurting its chances.

It comes as Labour’s support has slumped in the polls and Andrew Little has conceded he considered stepping down.

Mr Nash said ending the memorandum of understanding with the Greens isn’t up to him.

But he told Rachel Smalley voters aren’t happy with the Green Party co-leader’s admission of benefit fraud.

He predicts Labour will distance itself from the Greens as the election nears.

“What you are going to see in the next two months is Labour and Green go in different ways in terms of the way they are delivering their policy. I mean you are not going to see Andrew stand up and admit he’s a benefit fraudster.”

He said voters are unhappy with the Green’s co-leader’s admission of benefit fraud, despite what polling might suggest.

“A number of people I spoke to over the weekend had real concerns about what Metiria came out and admitted and the fact that she may well be the Deputy Prime Minster under Labour, but I don’t think that can happen now.”

The Greens are campaigning for people to be able to spend 15 years on the dole and never ever have to attend even a single job interview.

Labour MPs and candidates can say that isn’t their policy but they have the MOU with the Greens so their voters conclude a vote for Labour may lead to Metiria Turei becoming Minister of Social Welfare and Deputy Prime Minister, so they desert Labour.

Stuart Nash gets it. I suspect many Labour MPs are starting to get it. The issue isn’t Little (even though he has not done well) but their MOU with the Greens.

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