Lying so early

Bryce Edwards writes:

And for Hipkins’ most challenging media interview, you can listen to the six-minute interview with an exasperated Guyon Espiner, who says to Hipkins: “Do you really expect us to believe that?!” – see RNZ’s First day farce’ for new govt in Parliament – Hipkins

I also went on The AM Show today to discuss the matter, and expressed my disappointment that the new Government was so quickly moving into heavy spinning mode: “That’s one of the worst things about this story for Labour. Not just that it was such a shambles for them and they lost this manoeuvre by National, but they then tried to spin it… And the public hate politicians that are just so obviously spinning it.

So Ardern had the first day of Parliament going from St Jacinda to being seen as a liar” 

It is such an implausible lie also. They really must think people are stupid.

Tim Watkin also writes on Pundit:

Labour’s response to National’s ambush yesterday was, frankly, pretty pathetic. Remember Jacinda Ardern saying in the debates she could survive politics without lying? Well that didn’t last long… Her claim that Labour knew it had the numbers and really had the Speaker’s vote under control the whole time, is clearly a load of hooey. Otherwise, it’s a display of ineptness. Who would really by choice trade-off years of grief in select committees for a symbolic gesture of unity on a single vote? 

Really, if you believe Labour’s spin on that, I have a unicorn in my backyard for sale.

They both seem very unconvinced.

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