Dow Jones growth by President

The Dow Jones has hit an all time high of 27,000. This is part of why Trump’s approval ratings are increasing. What I thought would be interesting is to compare the increase in the Dow Jones at 30 months, by President. The list in order is:

  1. Roosevelt +138%
  2. Coolidge +66%
  3. Eisenhower +61%
  4. Obama +52%
  5. Clinton +42%
  6. Ford +41%
  7. Trump +36%
  8. Bush GHW +29%
  9. Reagan +27%
  10. Harding +23%
  11. Johnson +18%
  12. Truman +10%
  13. Kennedy +7%
  14. Nixon -9%
  15. Carter -11%
  16. Bush GW -15%
  17. Hoover -69%

Those in bold were re-elected

It will be interesting to see how they stand in another year.