What a cheap murdurer

Auckland taxi driver Bhikubhai Patel has been convicted of trying to get a priest murdered who he thought was sleeping with his wife.

What struck me was what a cheapskate he was. He only paid $1,500 upfront. Now that is barely enough for a standard murder, but look at what extras he wanted:

* victim’s tongue to be cut out
* eyeballs poked out
* decapitated.
* victim sodomised
* victim dismembered or burned

Now no way you get all that for $1,500. That is like the super gold deluxe package for murder. And all he was paying was an initial $1,500 which gets you the Warehouse type murder – quick and no frills – maybe a stabbing or a hit and run.

There should be some sort of standard rate card, so people know what to expect for their money.