Full Auckland City Details


Banks loses to Hubbard

Avondale-Roskill Ward (4)

No change except Linda Leighton replacing David Hay, both from CRN ticket

Eden-Albert Ward (3)

Neil Abel and Cathy Casey of City Vision defeat Mark Donnelly and Greg McKeown of CRN, giving City Vision all three seats.

Eastern Bays Ward (2)

CRN holds both seats with Toni Millar replacing Juliet Yates.

Hauraki Gulf Ward (1)

Faye Storer retains her seat

Hobson Ward (3)

Action Hobson wins for Christine Caughey and Richard Simpson. Scott Milne of CNR is the sole survivor.

Tamaki-Maungakiekie Ward (4)

Goes from two Labour and two Indpendents to three Labour and one Independent.

Western Bays Ward (2)

No change with Hucker and Sefuiva re-elected for City Vision.