Another Minister who doesn’t read his papers

The Herald reports:

Police Minister Stuart Nash has admitted he didn’t read official advice on options for phasing in 1800 new police officers over five years.

“I didn’t read any paper that said phasing in over five years. For me, phasing in over five years was just not an option I was prepared to consider,” Nash told a parliamentary committee today.

The Government says it will deliver 1800 new officers over three years. There are concerns that will put more pressure on the prison system.

Nash was quizzed on the advice from police by National’s Chris Bishop.

“I don’t read papers like that because there is a coalition promise that I will work to deliver. Any paper, any suggestion, that we are not going to meet our coalition deal of 1800 police over three years, certainly one that suggests its going to take five years, I’m just not even interested in seeing,” Nash said.

“You are kidding? Are you seriously saying to the committee that you received a paper about phasing options for the coalition commitment that you are talking about and you didn’t read it?” Bishop asked.

“Not even interested,” Nash responded.

A Minister says he isn’t even interested in reading a paper that provides alternative options.

Nash said he “absolutely believed” that more police would reduce crime and the number of people in prison.

No, no, no,. Having more Police should indeed reduce crime, but that doesn’t mean fewer people in prison. It means the Police catch more criminals and put them in prison, which means they can’t keep committing crimes.

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