No jab no pay?

Stuff reports:

In the wake of the measles outbreak sweeping the country, the National Party has said it might sanction sole parent beneficiaries who don’t vaccinate their children.
National’s social development spokeswoman, Louise Upston, has gone further, telling Stuff that she is open to broadening the scope beyond beneficiaries to cover more child-related payments, if that’s what New Zealanders want.

I’d extend it to all Government child payments, including Working For Families. People can choose not to vaccinate their children endangering other kids, but we can choose not to give them money if that is their choice. Taxpayer money should come with responsibilities.

As of yesterday there have been 1,957 cases of measles in New Zealand. This is a third higher than the US with 1,250 cases despite the US having 70 times the population. So our rate is around 100 times greater than the US.

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