A good way to deal with the Wellington protesters

In the comments on a previous post, there were some good ideas about how to deal with the protesters that think they have the right to obstruct 20,000 people getting to work or school just so they can make the 6 pm news.

They glue themselves to the road so the Police can’t quickly remove them. So here is what the Police should so.

They should have in place a large ramp, similar to what you use to load cars onto a car transporter, but like an upside down flat V, so you go up one side and down the other.

When the scrotes glue themselves to the road, just place the ramp over them. That way traffic will flow over them, while they will get the pleasure of having the noise and fumes from 20,000 cars pass over their heads by around one metre.

Do that once, and I guarantee you no more stunts.

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